Software Engineer

Full-Stack | App Development | Web Development

Current Passion Project

I am currently working on a project that is designed to help people manage their farm or garden. This project excites me because creating a tool that will help people grow their own food on a large or small scale has so many benefits. Growing food creates a deeper connection with food and where it comes from, it can lead to a healthier lifestyle and eating habits, reduce the carbon footprint, save money, and in some cases, help those facing food shortages gain access to food. I am currently working on my first verison of this project which is to publish a working garden journal to the Android and Ios app stores. From there I want to make this a data first application that allows people make data driven decisions about their garden.

Garden Database
Water Schedule Form
List of Gardens

I'm interested in working with you

I find a great deal of satisfaction in learning, problem solving, and exporing new ideas. If you have an idea, are stuck on a problem, or need help with an ongoing project let me know. I would welcome the opptotuity to bring this enthusiasm to your project. I am open to working freelance or w-2. The easiest way to reach me is via LinkedIn.