
Mobile Garden Application

Go Buffalo | Flutter | Docker | PostgreSQL

Avid gardeners frequently keep a journal to document their garden's progress. This mobile application allows gardeners to track the progress of their garden. The objective is to make this a data driven application that will provide insights to gardeners on how to improve their garden.

AI Documentation Chatbot

OpenAI API | LangChain | Pinecone | Astro | Docker

This tool is designed to allow employees to query company documentation as they would a co-worker. The intent is to improve compliance of reviewing and updating company documentation, creating consistency and standardization across an organization.

Company Website

Next JS | Tailwind CSS | Amplify

This is an active company website that caters to small businesses in the Caribbean.

Document Manager

Next JS | Tailwind CSS | Amplify

Current work in progress inspired by nonprofits needing to collect and track a variety of documents from different people. Information collected can be confidential and time sensitive.